Friday, January 25, 2013

Prayer This Morning and Australia Day

This morning my prayer for Cambodia is that God restores the vibrancy in production of Cambodia's crops and that the benefits from that will be shared by all of Cambodia's people in healthy and just measure; and that they will remain humble and will be grateful to God. Seeing the fields here and the poor quality of water this is difficult to imagine, but what is impossible for man is never impossible for God. What an incredible difference this would make in the lives of so many Cambodians.

On a completely different note: today (January 26) is Australia Day. This holiday, formerly known as Anniversary Day or ANA Day, commemorates the arrival of the first fleet of British ships on the Sydney Cove shores (New South Wales) in 1788; and the establishment of "New Holland", now Australia. This is somewhat of a controversial holiday (for reasons similar to America's celebration of Columbus Day). Despite the controversy I am very glad to be living with so many Australians who are each and every one beautiful and gracious people; and I am honored that tonight they have invited me to join them on our guesthouse rooftop to celebrate Australia Day. (Being unfamiliar with the tradition of their celebration I hope that it does not include sacrificing the oldest Asian male in the group by throwing him off the rooftop.)

1 comment:

  1. Oh darn! We forgot that particular tradition. It's as old as Oz!
